• hlavkuv_most_03.jpeg
    Kolektor Hlávkův most, Praha
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    Novostavba pavilonu v Nemocnici Mladá Boleslav
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    Zastřešení tribuny, sportovní areál Sletiště, Kladno
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    Rekonstrukce kulturního domu Plzeňka, Beroun
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Eurogas a.s.

A subsidiary company with headquarters in Ostrava is engaged in the research activities in the acquisition of alternative energy surces, in particular, the problematics of coal mine methane and coal bed methane. Vhen working on the research projects, the company cooperates with the experts from the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Institute of Geonics AV CR and others. It also participates, on a large scale, in elimination of old ecological burdens, land reclamation projects in territories affected by mining activities. It also carries out technical ecological audits of projects and project plans. The company is currently angaged in foreign business in Russia, countrie of the former Soviet Union and the Middle East.

Selection of completed projects:

  • possibility of geosequestration of CO2 in the underground mines
  • development of the method of elimination of the emergency condition of thermally active dump of the Schoeller mine in Němce
  • elimination and safeguarding of old mining works and disposal of consequences of mining activities in the Kladensko, Českolipsko, Rakovnicko, and Liberecko regions
  • execution of works in the exploration territory Mariánské Radčice
  • Monitoring of underground works in the use stage
  • solution of the topic of task No. 23 of the Czech Mining Office „Use of mining degasation for prevention of uncontrolled discharges of methane to the surface after disposal of a mine“
  • exploration, pasportisation and consequent adaptation against penetration of mining methane into the existing sewer system of the town of Orlová
  • research into the possibility of obtaining of coal seam methane by hydro fissure of coal seams
  • INTERVIRON - Research and testing in practice of the impact of ecologically harmful emissions on the environment

    Director Petr Máša, phone +420 257 282 467, e-mail  petr.masa@eugas.cz
    Contact:  Eurogas a.s., Sirotčí 1145/7, 703 00 Ostrava - Vítkovice, phone:+420 595 700 864, fax +420 595 700 860
    Office in Prague: Plzeňská 276/298, 150 00 Prague 5, phone: +420 257 282 539